Geeshhh dO imiss blOqqinq ! nOw ; these last cOuple Of days have been hectic ! im feelinq sO many different emOtiOns aT Once ! "why dO we lOve lOve ; when lOve seems tO hate us ! ?... sOmetimes iwish ican just leave and qO far away ! im sO tired Of LOVE ! anywhO rOchester weather sucks ! iwOuldnt be surprised if it snOwed tOmorrOw and im seriOus ! Lately i've been very tired and idOnt knOw why beinq that isleep pretty lateee ! i have alOt Of thinqs tO accOmpOlish this week ! i need tO
- reqister and insure my car
- reqister my classes fOr schOol
- write my dad
- spend time w/ my friends
- Read the [Basic InstructiOns BefOree Leavinq Earth] BIBLE ♥
- fOllow mOre peOple
- tell TD ilOve him everydayyyyy
aww majOr cool points for having Read the BIBLE on your list!!!! awesome!